
SOLD - Iceenothink by Art Major USA from DecethreeLombo

Approximate Height - 16hh

Colour - Brown Standardbred Gelding, 10yo.

Description - Iceenothink aka Shultz is a lovely Standardbred gelding. Super flashy Stb show horse.

Shultz has started re-education at Lokenzo Park OTT Retraining - (Official RWWA Retrainer.) Post related to him can be read after joining the group here: .

A gentle horse who rarely spooks; kangaroos and rabbits do not bother him, however alpacas look weird and bring his attention. When asking for a trot he does not pace but he still have to organise himself to fall into the cadence however he does not hold it for long. He has been barefoot these past couple of months; the hooves are strong and holding well but he is still adapting to being shoeless. He has no vices or defences like biting, rearing, kicking, wind sucking, charging, pulling on the bit or the lunge, is nice with the farrier and floats willingly.

A calm, patient, spirited and lovely horse always willing to please and eager to learn new ways although not always easy due to some lateral stiffness to the right, there is work and play to do over the months to re-organise his frame to make him a more enjoyable ride.

Would suit an experienced to intermediate level horse person — or even, due to the calm nature of the horse, a beginner under supervision — willing to give this companion time to settled down in this new world.

Location- Margaret River, WA

Price $1000

Phone Number -9757 9986

Jean-Jacques Lob


SOLD-The Hawkeye


SOLD-Rain Card